9 research outputs found

    OCP Based Online Multisensor Data Fusion for Autonomous Ground Vehicle

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    In this paper, online multisensor data fusion algorithm using CORBA event channel is proposed, in order to deal with simplifying problem in sensor registration and fusion for vehicle’s state estimation. The networked based navigation concept for Autonomous Ground Vehicle (AGV) using several sensors is presented. A simulation of various application scenarios are considered by choosing several parameters of UKF, i.e. weighting constant for sigma points and square root matrix. Normalized mean-square error (MSE) of Monte Carlo simulations are computed and reported in the simulation results. Furthermore, the middleware infrastructure based on Open Control Platform (OCP) to support the interconnection between the whole filter structures also reported

    FAKTOR - FAKTOR YANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP AUDIT REPORT LAG (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012-2014)

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that affect audit report lag of financial reports to the manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The examined factors of this research are size company, board independence, audit committee size, audit commite expert, audit commite meets as the independent variable ,and complexity operation as moderate variable, while the audit report lag as the dependent variable. The sample consists of 308 companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and submitted financial reports to Bapepam in the period 2012-2014. The data that was used in this research was secondary data and selected by using purposive sampling method. Model analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. Using the F-test to determine the effect of simultaneous between company characteristics and capital structure. Using t-test to examine the partial correlation of each independent variable on audit report lag. Based on analytical results shows that variable board independence, audit commite size, audit commite expertize, and complexity operation have significant influence toward audit report lag, while variable size company and, audit commite meets doesn’t have significant influence toward audit report lag


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    In today's competitive environment, enabling people to communicate and exchange information / data remotely. Between cities, countries and between continents is not an obstacle anymore in the communication and data exchange. Along with that the demand for securities (security) to the confidentiality of information exchanged on the rise. Therefore it is developing branch of science that studies on ways of data security or cryptography known. Just as a data security system created at the end of this project, the encryption process to be advocates in him. In the process of encryption there is a process by which data is encrypted in the form of random letters, and the process is called the plaintext-ciphertext. While on the side of the receiver will experience a process description, in which random data is converted to actual data or can be called with the ciphertext-plaintext. By using the method vigenere cipher, then the need for a key to obtain a ciphertext. Where the lock is determined by the length of the plaintext letters are entered. The result of this study issending data through the client to the server with encryption system so that the data to the server will be directly encoded. On the server, the encrypted data will be converted into the plaintext back through the process description Key : cryptography, algorithms, C programming, vigenere cipher, socket programmin


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                Dewasa ini penggunaan handphone semakin banyak, sehingga operator handphone menambah layanan dari handphone seperti SMS ( Short Message System ), e-mail, dan browsing internet dengan menggunakan teknologi WAP ( Wireless Application Protocol ). Dan proyek akhir “Pembuatan Homepage WAP” dikerjakan untuk membuat suatu layanan informasi tentang Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya yang dapat diakses melalui handphone yang memiliki fasilitas WAP.           WAP dilengkapi standart universal yang memudahkan pemakainya mengakses web yang sudah didesain khusus untuk layanan informasi dan aplikasi pada komunikasi bergerak dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman WML ( Wireless Markup Language ). Dan dengan dilengkapi layanan WAP Phone akan memudahkan pemakai mengakses informasi mengenai Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya secara cepat, mudah, kapan saja, dan dimana saja melalui handphone WAP.Kata Kunci : WAP, Internet, Handphone, WML.


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    Pengelolaan administrasi yang ada di sebuah pendidikan meliputi banyak hal. Salah satunya adalah pengelolaan administrasi jurusan, meliputi; absensi mahasiswa, absensi dosen, judul proyek akhir dan lain-lain yang akan membutuhkan tenaga, waktu dan tempat yang banyak bila dikerjakan secara konvensional. Permasalahan semacam itu harus diatasi dengan adanya suatu sistem terpadu yang mampu menangani data dalam jumlah besar dan dapat diolah kapan dan dimana saja oleh seorang administrator

    Uji Efektivitas Konsentrasi Spodoptera litura – Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV) JTM 97C Formulasi Bubuk Terhadap Larva Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Pada Tanaman Kedelai

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    Spodoptera litura (armyworm) is an important leaf pest that is polyphagic and has a broad range of hosts. Spodoptera litura is the main pest in soybean plants and can cause up to 50% damage and often results in decreased productivity and even crop failure. Spodoptera litura is widespread in areas with hot and humid climates from the subtropics to the tropics. S. litura pests attack cultivation plants in the vegetative and generative phases. The prospect of insect pathogens as a substitute for chemical insecticides is quite good in terms of their effectiveness and impact on the environment. Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV) is one of the Baculoviridae viruses that infect the larval stage. Spodoptera litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV) is a pathogenic virus that infects armyworms. SlNPV JTM 97C is an effective isolate in controlling larvae of Spodoptera litura. The larvae used in this study were larval instar 4, instar 5, and instar 6. The study was conducted using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments consisted of controls, 1 g / l, 2g / l, 3 g / l, 4 g / l, and 5 g / l. Each treatment was applied to instar 4, instar 5 and 6 instar larvae. The results showed that SlNPV JTM 97C affected mortality, stopped eating and pupa formation of instar 4, instar 5 larvae, but did not affect instar 6 larvae. The younger the larval instar the higher the pathogenicity response

    An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Simulation Using Linear Quadratic Servo Based on Open Control Platform

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    This paper presents an optimal regulator for depth control simulation of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) using a new approach of decentralized system environment called open control platform (OCP). Simulation results are presented to demonstrate performance of the proposed method

    Pemanfaatan Alat Monitoring Kadar Air Pada Gabah untuk Peningkatkan Kualitas Panen

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara agraris dimana sebagian besar penghasilan masyarakat Indonesia yaitu dari pertanian. Untuk mempertahan harga jual hasil pertanian, maka diperlukan perhatian khusus dalam penyimpanan hasil panen di gudang terutama kadar air hasil panen. Pada penelitian dalam bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dibuat sebuah alat monitoring kadar air pada gabah dengan memanfaatkan mikrokontroler node MCU dan sensor kadar air yang terhubung ke internet. Data monitoring kadar air disimpan pada database dan pengguna dapat mengaksesnya melalui perangkat smartphone pada halaman website. Sehingga pengguna dapat mengakses kondisi hasil panen mereka yang ada di gudang bisa dilakukan dimana saja. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan di Desa Kampungbaru, Nganjuk. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi dan pengujian, hasil pembacaan sensor kadar air pada gabah sebesar 14% dapat dikirim ke server dan dapat diakses oleh pengguna menggunakan smartphone